Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adventure in Austin

In the society of our time, people have too much concern about their appearances, social status and privacy...if they realized that I am shooting them with my camera...they would hide,  I mean not hiding their physical faces or bodies but their true personalities and nature expressions, and sometimes they would be very mad.  In this case I couldn't get the photos that I was expecting. Following the change of the time, our society become more and more strange, people put more and more make ups on their face, the true and nature faces are almost impossible for them to stand in front of the camera...they could not really be nature and relax in front of the camera, therefore, in my opinions, the street photography became more and more challenging than it use to be. 

All I learned to solve this problem and get the best picture is shooting fast or being invisible...being invisible is mostly not possible in a lot of situation.  I would have to shoot fast but 5D mark II is obviously not a fast camera due to it’s full frame sensor and it’s massive body, if i want to shoot faster, I would buy a smaller camera or some shorter lens such as 35mm or 50mm, but I don't have that much money so far.  The last way that I would use to solve this problem is talking to people and try to be their friends.  No doubt, I been talking to a lot of people on the street and tried to be as friendly as I could,  I just wanna let them be as comfortable as they could then I could ask them to get photos with their nature expressions...therefore I made a lot of “friends” on the street, they are students, artists, young couples, old people, little kids...hipsters...travelers...intellectuals..bums or homeless...people from different countries.  








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